8 My daily routine university student 2020

daily routine university student 2020

 What is the best daily routine for a student?,  What is the daily routine of a student? , How do I make a daily study routine?,  How do I make a student schedule?, 

Here are some study tips to achieve the best results when approaching exam time! How can you improve your daily routine for university student ?

You have to really understand your own personality and will power and be honest with yourself. finale exams are a difficult time. stress and sleepless nights, with each day getting worse if anxiety is not reduced.  We make a huge effort to concentrate on our studies, yet the focus never truly comes, as we spend hours in front of books without really understanding them .   Grate best  way daily routine  for university student .

1. Wake Up Early

this rule is a good and healthy happy that makes a big difference over the course of a day.

2. Do not skip breakfast

 we tend to skip the first meal of the day-you’re still tired in the morning and do not think much of taking the time to prepare a healthy breakfast.a good breakfast consists of vitamins, orange juice, fresh fruit, cereals, whole grain bread and low fat proteins, like hard-boiled eggs.

3. Eat snacks

One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Healthy snacks at a consistent rate help maintain your energy levels, and keep your blood sugar from spiking and later crashing.  Low sugar yogurt, fresh squeezed juices made of orange, carrot, apple or dried fresh and fruit are all excellent in this regard.

4.Prepare light meals 

 Prepare light meals And spread them out over the course of your day: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Making five meals a day keeps your metabolism active, and is an optimal way to keep from gaining weight. An ideal meal consists of lean proteins such as those found in fish, poultry, and eggs. Red meat is best consumed at a minimum. It also consists of cooked vegetables and a serving of rice, whole wheat pasta or cereal. Above all avoid heavy salad dressings!

Set Your Study Times
 The most important routine is identifying specific study times and treating them as more important than anything else you have to do.

5. Play sports or take a walk

Take a walk outdoors or play a sport during breaks from your studies. This helps relieve stress, and allows you to return your books with more energy. Notwithstanding, it’s best not to overexert oneself during recreation, as it could end up having the opposite effect!

6. Water  Drink a lot
Water, of course. The brain is composed of 85% water, so you have to keep it hydrated. Therefore, it’s important to drink continuously, which can easily not happen very often. Carry a water bottle with you to drink throughout the day.

7. Sleep time

Sometime it is important to stop and relax for a while. It’s quite hard to focus with only a little bit of sleep, so try to keep a respectable schedule and go to bed at a reasonable time. Take a nap in the afternoon, if you can fit in between study sessions.

8. Take regular breaks

Small breaks are as varied as they are fundamental, whether if it’s a walk, a game of ping pong or a chat with a friend. Even if it is for only for a few minutes, do it! Disconnecting completely helps you relax and return to the marathon of finals.

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