8 Grate Every Evening Daily Routine 2020

Evening daily routine

What's  your evening routine?

Evening routines are an essential daily routine , wrapping up our day and, the ultimate goal, getting an amazing night’s sleep. In turn, getting an amazing night’s sleep will set you up again for the next day, where you can get started with that perfect morning routine to be 
Benefit of an evening routine.

Now we all know that as we age, our sleep changes — but did you know just how drastically it changes? On average, individuals at age 20 get about 7.5 hours of sleep, while those around age 80 only get 5.8 hours of sleep. Also at age 20, people spend 20% of their sleep time in the really restorative, slow-wave sleep. At age 80, only 7.5% of that precious time is in REM. Yeah, you read those statistics correctly.

This is why it’s absolutely imperative that we cap our evenings off right! And remember, evening routines are subject to change over time, and what works for us at age 20 doesn’t necessarily work for us at 30, 40, 50 and beyond!

When you get right down to it, a perfect evening routine should have two goals:

How can we set ourselves up for that deep, glorious, restorative sleep that we all so desperately need?

how do we wrap up the day so we feel can leave the day behind with a clear mind ?

In my previous corporate life, I lived life at light speed and in complete chaos for six year . I felt I never had time for the good things I knew I “should” be doing. But running at light speed and neglecting self-care eventually catches up with you.

One of the most important things I ever did was to listen to my body and create a calming evening routine. It has made such a difference.

Now, I turn my phone off at least an hour before bed to let my mind unwind. I do a peaceful P.M. yoga routine followed by a 5 or 10 minute meditation session which relaxes my body, relieves the stress of the day, and puts my mind into a peaceful place.I use the quiet time right after to wash my face and practice gratitude before going to bed.
If my mind is still a bit over-stimulated, I’ll read a chapter of a book, which usually has me nodding off. Now, I get it, not everyone has a lot of time in the evenings, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own simple routine by starting small. By making just one change to your evening routine, you’ll be on your way to bringing calm, peace and stress relief into your life.
My routine starts an hour before bed, but only takes 20-30 minutes total. Finding just 5-10 minutes to do one calming activity will get you started.

If you’re looking for stress relief from your busy day, I highly recommend creating a calming evening routine that works for you.

Yoga.      I added yoga to my evening routine about six months ago and it is so relaxing! It focuses my mind and my awareness on my body. If you’re new to yoga, it’s not super difficult. If you’re worried about flexibility, start off with a beginner practice. I use the free Yoga Studio app on my Apple TV. I started with the beginner practice until I felt comfortable to move to intermediate.
Yoga is a great way to not only add some relaxation to your day, but also exercise! And if you’ve been sitting at a desk job all day, the flexibility practices work wonders.

 Meditate.     . I don’t meditate regularly. In fact, I find it extremely hard to sit still for more than 5 minutes.  When I do manage it, it’s calming and grounding. The constant stream of thoughts in my head slows down and I feel peaceful after.
You don’t have to do anything special or buy an app — simply focusing on your breathing and saying “breathe in” “breathe out” as you breathe is good enough. When I do my P.M. yoga, I’ll follow it up with a 5 minute relaxing meditation.

Organize your meals
Whether this is mentally preparing what you will eat the next day or actually making it the day or night before, it means knowing in advance your meal choices for the day.  I know, but things as simple as prepping your coffee or kettle the night before, having your kids put out their breakfast (bowl/spoon), packing all lunches, cutting up your veggies for your morning eggs-n-veggies and planning your evening meals. All these efforts save you time, frustration and help you eat better.Some of you already follow a meal plan , but there are always things that fall outside of it, like lunch meetings, coffee dates, kids activities, or unexpected guests. By laying out your weekly plan for food. when everyone is clawing at you for food at 8:30 pm, especially if you are not prepared. Meal planning does not have to be complicated. You can cycle the same two breakfasts every morning, the same two lunches, and the same four dinners if you need. 

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Read Goals Before Sleeping
“Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them.”I’m sure you know the power of goals by now. I won’t deliberate them here. But in case you want me,another post will be allotted for that.Just like traveling, without knowing the exact destination, you wouldn’t know the right directions to go ,read through his goals before going to sleep and the moment he wakes up. By doing so, it reminds him that he has things to fulfill and conditions his mind to be productive the next day.a personal coach, shares the same principle because he believes. as if  indian Acter Akshay Kumar
“You become what you think about most of the time. You achieve what you think about most of the time.”So even in sleep, train your mind to think of the things you want to become. Thinking is free, so don’t limit yourself.

Review next day’s agenda

You will always go to bed a little more at ease if you are well aware of the next day’s meetings and tasks. By reviewing your schedule for the next day, you not only set yourself up for a good nights sleep, but you also wake up knowing what superhero cape to wear and what needs to get done (and you won’t be unpleasantly surprised by anything.)

Do One Thing You Love

“A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.” Your brain relaxes when you do something that is delightful. The brain is stimulated when you are happy which improves your cognitive alertness and productivity.It puts you in a safe zone where you can enjoy yourself for the time being. Doing it just before going to bed is the best time because it helps to seal the positive energy that will condition your mind the next day.

Allot a Moment of Reflection and Prayer

“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”Indian Acter Akshay Kumar My most favorite is his emphasis on moral virtues. He has a list of virtues he tries to adhere every day and evaluates whether he improves.
One notable thing he does every night before sleeping is asking himself: “What good have I done today?”A question we should all be asking. Knowing that quality of life isn’t just all about us but what good have we all contributed to our brothers and sisters in need.
Setting aside a moment for prayer or gratitude will help to set the mood right.To be reminded that there are things to be thankful for the day you just had. To appreciate you arrived safely at home and enjoy the sweet atmosphere of the room. To know that you have a chance to enjoy the comfort you have that other people are longing for.

 Benefit of an evening routine -Prepare your body and mind for a good night’s sleep

Going to bed peacefully takes effort. If you don’t have an established routine, it makes it even harder to fall asleep, or you end up waking up often or sleep too lightly. To avoid this, I start my nightly routine at noon. Yes, right at lunchtime! This is when I start paying extra attention to the things I consume, the distractions in my day and the thoughts circling around my mind. Here are some tips for preparing your body and mind for bedtime:  Drink tons of water all day, but not within an hour before bed. When you’re body has ample hydration it can process things better: like waste removal, breathing, body temperature, brain function, and more. Your body needs a lot of fluids during sleep for its operating system to run at peak performance. But the key is to not set yourself up for frequent bathroom visits. So you want to make sure you go pee like your kids do, right before you go to sleep. Avoid social media. “Yeah yeah,” you’re probably thinking, but social media actually depresses you. You need to go to bed happy, or else you risk sleep deprivation by way of delayed sleeping and anxiety. Not only that but, as you know, blue lights emitted from your screen mess up your internal clock, forcing your subconscious mind to think “Bright light! Day time! Get up!” 

Go to sleep at the same time

Lastly, you need to put your head to rest at the same time every night. Don’t let your routine fluctuate unless you really have to.your body needs a very consistent night routine to use your sleep time for replenishment.Your hard-stop sleep time means everything to your body, whether you like it or not. And let’s face it, an extra episode of Breaking Bad is NOT going to make you a more successful mom, entrepreneur or partner the next day.Your evening routine will predict not only how you emotionally start your day, but also the full effectiveness of your time. Having an established night routine compliments anything you do when you first get up and helps to set the course for a great day.


Implementing one or two of these can help you. It will save you from unnecessary stress that busy morning gives.You won’t need to scream out loud to people you love.You won’t feel sorry for not having the grandest morning routine.Instead, you find yourself working on what’s best for you. You don’t pressure yourself to perform on the time your body is not wired to.Your brain will rest positively at night. You have a clear direction of tomorrow. You are willing to embrace the new morning ahead.You will see greater opportunities and productivity coming your way. You will feel more positive energy entering your system.

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