7 Grate Golden Daily Morning Routine 2020

 Grate Golden Daily  Morning  Routine

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Ordering activities in your routine

I gave you a glimpse of how I’m personally ordering my own activities just above, but how can you do that yourself now? What gives me the most energy and motivation is not necessarily the same for you.
Plus, it’s likely that you cannot easily get yourself 4.5 hours of “free” time to perform your morning routine. As such, it’s important to realize what is 20% of the activities that will give you 80% of the results you want to achieve.
On top of knowing those, realizing what order makes the “most sense” to your brain will require experimentation. The compound effect of creative work + physical exercise + passive activity may not yield the same intensity it does for me. Maybe it’s better for you to do this order: physical exercise + passive activity + creative work.
In the “How can I build a strong morning routine?” section below, we’ll touch on the topic of defining what those activities are for you personally.

Make a list.

Get it off your mind. Sometimes in the night we worry, waking up thinking about what we need to accomplish. This means we wake up already feeling behind. Instead, if there’s something you know you need to do, write it down.

Make a list so you can free you mind for more important thinking.

Express gratitude.

New research continues to surface on the science and benefits of gratitude. Studies have now proven a multitude of benefits from expressing gratitude; ranging from how it improves relationships, physical and emotional health, sleep, mental stamina, energy and overall happiness. I have a simple practice; before I get out of bed in the morning, I think of two things I feel grateful for. In the “5 Minute Journal”, one of the first things you do in the morning is write down three things you are grateful for. You choose the number- but expressing gratitude for a great way to kick-start the day.

Get Your Mind Right

Here are three things you should try to get first thing (nope not coffee!) breath, sun and stretching. Why should you add these to your morning routine? Here’s the science:

Sun: Living in Portland, Oregon where we are under almost constant cloud cover all winter, I understand that this step isn’t always possible but, when the sun is shining, take advantage. Before electricity and alarm clocks, the sun was our body’s natural wake up call. Just fifteen minutes of sunlight on your skin in the morning can eliminate your sleep hormones and leave you feeling awake and refreshed.

Water: We usually don’t think about drinking water until way later in the day, but one of the best things you can do is make sure you’re drinking water first thing in the morning!

Oxygen: Do you take a BIG deep breath as a part of your morning routine? Yes this may sound crazy, but researchers have looked at breathing patterns and found that our bodies are actually running low on oxygen first thing in the morning. So if you take a few deep breaths, it can be like a ‘semi-coffee’ for your soul — getting you up, keeping you more awake, and oxygenating your blood


What about breakfast? Do you think successful people are strict about their breakfast? 

Hell YEAH. 89% out of 53 successful people, including men and women, said they do eat breakfast.

To be fair, Intermittent Fasting might not have been a ‘thing’ at the time all successful people gave those interviews. I’m sure if you ask them now – there would be a lot fewer people choosing to have breakfast.


Wondering whether you got to get up early to set yourself for success?

Well, 50% of the 54 top successful people wake up between 06.01 and 07.00 am.

In fact, 86% wake up before 7 am.

Sounds doable, right?


The majority of the top performers, coaches and researchers recommend staying away from your phone in the mornings not to get distracted.

However …

7% of the successful people I studied, in fact, check their social media accounts once they wake up.

Examples of such people include Scott Adams, Mark Zuckerberg, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Cindy Whitehead

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